Thursday, September 5, 2024

Asthma: Managing Symptoms and Preventing Attacks

Good Health Packages must include tests for Asthma in the early years of life for all, as air pollution and the rise of debilitating lung conditions are witnessing synonymous growth. Asthma is a treatable condition, but it needs acute medical attention and continuous cooperation. 

 Asthma has multiple symptoms but it varies from person to person. Technically speaking, in the case of asthma, what usually happens is the airways in your body swell up, causing the passage to become narrower. You may also experience an excess production of mucus, and if so, do not hesitate to ask your healthcare provider to add asthma screening to the Health CarePackages.

 On the one hand, the swelling up of the airways naturally causes stress in breathing functionality, leading to wheezing and coughing, and a continuous spell may cause shortness of breath. Today, Asthma is a very common occurrence among most people, and this is why learning to manage such a condition has become fundamental for the well-being of you and your loved ones.

 Most-Prominent Symptoms Of Asthma To Notice

Basic Health Checkup Packages may include asthma if you mention you have experienced some of the symptoms. Nonetheless, some people may not be as affected by the symptoms as others, and many often tend to manage asthma for a lifetime. To identify the presence of asthma, one needs to know the primary symptoms before even getting a diagnostic test conducted.

       As mentioned before, asthma may cause periodical breathlessness or, in severe cases, the attacks can be more frequent and medical intervention may be required to prevent these circumstances further.

       If you are having pain and feeling some tightness in the chest, it is better to get yourself checked for asthma by the Best Diagnostic Center.

       Wheezing is a recurrent symptom of asthma that happens both is adults and children. Shortness of breath coupled with wheezing, patients may have trouble sleeping at night.

       If the coughing attacks are to worsen, immediately check in with a doctor. A viral fever or similar flu can worsen the condition.

       If the breathlessness issue is to get out of hand you may need to acquire an inhaler and a device for measuring your lung activity or get yourself tested from a Pathology Lab.

       Beware of dust and other allergic particles that can work as an asthma attack trigger. Most asthma attacks are manageable, considering it is a life-long condition; however, severe attacks need instant medical attention to prevent any life-threatening incident.

Learning To Live With Asthma

As a life-long condition, people who have asthma have no choice but to learn the skills and tactics to live with it. There are a few ways it can be conducted if you know how these asthma triggers work. Without further ado, here are a few things to remember when living with asthma.

        As you need to be aware of the triggers, getting an allergy test conducted by the Best Diagnostic Center might not be such a bad idea. Allergens can cause great havoc if you have asthma.

       There is not much to say about avoiding smoking at all costs, especially when you have asthma. Smoking and even general smoke can be a very deadly trigger for asthma patients.

       Cold, flu, fever, such otherwise minute health hazards must be prevented as soon as possible by getting yourself tested with Fever Screening Packages Basic or through other means.

       Always keep in touch with your healthcare provider in order to keep track of your asthma progress and inform them about your new symptoms as well.


Living with asthma is many things to many people, and it may get better for some, but others have to be diligent at keeping it under control. With Good Health Packages, the hope for early treatment rises exponentially, with an opportunity to live a fruitful life.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Head Injuries: When to Seek Medical Attention

Head injuries are widespread, but their impact can vary from person to person, depending upon various factors. Usually, head injuries are caused by some sort of accident, where the head experiences an external impact resulting in cuts and bruises or more serious problems. If you have encountered such a problem, it might be optimal to visit a doctor, and they may ask you to get a CT scan conducted from the TopPathology Labs.

A small bump on the head may not be something to worry about; however, if the effects persist, immediately seeing a licensed medical professional is instrumental. The injury in the head itself can be of many types. For example, in some cases, bleeding is rampant, requiring stitches coupled with medical support. In other cases, the bleeding happens internally in the brain, which can only be corroborated by a Pathology Lab CT scan report.

How To Differentiate Between Minor & Major Head Injuries?

Head injuries can be complicated depending on the type of accidental situation you have been involved in. Accidents happen every day, and somewhere down the line, we all get at least once hit in the head. However, such instances do not require any medical attention instantly. However, in the case of major accidents, often involving vehicular accidents, the BestDiagnostic Lab has to be considered for checking up on internal injuries unseen to the naked eye. Here are a few distinctions to make in the case of minor and major injuries and when to see a doctor.

Minor Head Injury Symptoms

       The area of impact might be bruised a little, or a little bump may form over the head.

       A slight headache may persevere; however, it is supposed to go away within a day or so.

       In minor head injuries, there should be no vomiting after such incidents.

       There should not be any complications in communicating as well.

Major Head Injury Symptoms

       The Best Diagnostic Centre may have to intervene by checking the state of the injury and assessing the situation if headaches persist and get worse.

       If the patient is frequently vomiting, it is better to check for concussions in the brain.

       The brain could also get foggy, and the patient may have trouble speaking cohesively, hearing prominently and seeing properly.

       Fainting, seizures and blackouts after accidents may also require you to take a CT scan test from one of the Top Pathology Labs in the state.

       If bleeding does not stop permanently or blood comes out from the nose and ears, it is better to go to a doctor as soon as possible.

What Is The Legitimate Treatment Route For A Head Injury?

Minor head injuries are easily treatable at home, often requiring little to no medical assistance. You can take prescribed painkillers or use an icepack over the injured area to get some relief. However, in the case of a significant head injury, you may have to visit a Pathology Lab to get a CT scan conducted.

The patient must abstain from alcohol or other substances for the first few days as it can be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of concussion and intoxication, leading to negligence. Concussions happen in the brain and it significantly affects the brain’s ability to function normally. Only after the scan results from the Best Diagnostic Lab clear out and your doctor agrees with it then you resume your daily schedule.


Accidents can occur anywhere, from your home and workplace to the roads. It is always wise to remain cautious to prevent such mistakes, but mishaps do happen as well. This is where the need for the Best Diagnostic Centre is felt evermore to treat the issue firsthand and then do the necessary tests. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How ECHO Tests Can Detect Early Heart Conditions

Heart disease poses a serious risk to your health. Detecting it early can greatly impact treatment and recovery. One effective tool for early detection is the ECHO test. This simple, painless ultrasound exam produces clear images of your heart. These images help doctors find potential issues before they become severe. It allows for timely intervention and better results.

What is an ECHO Test?

An ECHO test, or echocardiogram, is an ultrasound used to view the heart. It sends sound waves to create live pictures of your heart’s chambers, valves, and blood flow. These images help doctors evaluate how well your heart is working and if there are any issues.

Why Do You Need an ECHO Test?

There are several reasons your doctor might suggest an ECHO test:

       Diagnose Heart Conditions

ECHO tests help identify problems like heart valve disease, heart muscle diseases, and congenital defects.

       Evaluate Heart Function

They show how well your heart pumps blood and reveal any structural abnormalities.

       Monitor Heart Conditions

For those with existing heart issues, regular ECHO tests track disease progress and treatment effectiveness.

How Does an ECHO Test Work?

During an ECHO test, you lie on a table. A technician uses a small device called a transducer on your chest. This device sends sound waves into your heart, creating images. These images appear on a monitor for the doctor to review.

Types of ECHO Tests

Several ECHO tests offer different views of your heart:

     Transthoracic ECHO (TTE): This common type places the transducer on your chest.

     Transesophageal ECHO (TEE): This involves placing the transducer in your esophagus for a closer look.

     Stress ECHO: This test evaluates your heart’s performance during exercise or after medication.

     Doppler ECHO: This measures blood flow through your heart and its chambers.

Preparing for an ECHO Test

Most ECHO tests need little preparation. You can eat and drink as usual. For a stress ECHO, you might need to avoid certain foods or medications. Always inform your doctor about any medications you are taking.

What Happens During an ECHO Test?

An ECHO test is quick and painless, usually lasting 30 to 60 minutes. You lie on an exam table while the technician moves the transducer around your chest. You may need to shift positions to get various views of your heart.

ECHO Test Results

After the test, your doctor will review and explain the images. ECHO results provide details about:

       Heart Size and Shape

Helps assess any enlargements or deformities.

       Heart Muscle Thickness and Movement

Shows how well your heart muscles are functioning.

       Heart Valve Function

Evaluates how well your heart valves are working.

       Blood Flow

Assesses the flow of blood through your heart.

       Abnormal Structures

Identifies any unusual growths or issues.

The Importance of Early Detection

Detecting heart problems early is the main element of effective treatment. ECHO tests are essential in finding heart conditions early, making them easier to manage. Regular checkups and tests like the ECHO can help you keep your heart healthy and address issues before they worsen.


An ECHO test is a valuable, non-invasive way to examine your heart. If your doctor suggests an ECHO test, it's important to proceed without ignoring. A delay may cause your serious side-effects. Early detection of heart issues leads to better treatment options and a higher quality of life. Talk to your doctor about whether an ECHO test is right for you to ensure your heart health is in the best possible condition.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Understanding PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) and Its Importance

A Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) is a simple exam to check lung health. It helps doctors see how well your lungs work. This test provides clear information on your lung function. Knowing about PFT can help you manage your respiratory health. PFT is vital for detecting lung issues early. It guides treatment and helps in recovery. Understanding PFT's role in lung health is very vital for maintaining good respiratory function. You need to keep track of your lung health with PFT. This ensures timely action if any issues arise.

What is A Pulmonary Function Test?

PFT measures lung performance. It checks how much air you breathe in and out. It also looks at how fast you can breathe. Doctors use special tools for PFT. This test is non-invasive and provides detailed information about lung health.

Why is Pulmonary Function Test Important?

PFT is important for early lung disease detection. Early treatment improves recovery chances. It helps in identifying problems before they become severe. Regular PFT can track treatment progress and adjust plans as needed. This test is a key part of managing and improving lung health.

Who Needs Pulmonary Function Test?

Anyone with breathing issues should consider PFT. Smokers are advised to get regular PFTs. People with known lung conditions should have regular tests. PFT is also useful for those experiencing unexplained coughs or shortness of breath. This test is a proactive step for maintaining lung health.

Types of Pulmonary Function Test

Here are the types of Pulmonary Function Tests:

       Spirometry: Measures how quickly and forcefully you can exhale air.

       Lung Volume Measurement: Determines the total volume of air your lungs can hold.

       Diffusion Capacity Test: Assesses how well oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood.

       Oximetry: Measures the oxygen levels in your blood.

       Peak Flow Meter: Monitors how fast you can blow air out of your lungs.

       Body Plethysmography: Measures lung volume and how much air is left in the lungs after exhaling.

How to Prepare for PFT

Preparing for PFT is quite simple. Inform your doctor about all medications. Avoid smoking before the test. Wear loose, comfortable clothes. Follow any specific instructions given by your doctor for best results. Proper preparation ensures accurate test outcomes.

The PFT Procedure

The PFT procedure is simple and painless. You will sit comfortably and breathe into a tube connected to a machine. The machine records your breathing patterns and lung function. The test usually takes a few minutes. There’s no discomfort involved.

PFT Results

After the test, your doctor will discuss the results. Normal results show healthy lungs. Abnormal results might indicate lung issues. Your doctor will explain what the results mean and suggest any further actions. Understanding your results helps in managing lung health effectively.

PFT and Lung Diseases

PFT is crucial for diagnosing lung diseases. It can detect asthma, COPD, and lung fibrosis. This test helps track disease progression and measure treatment effectiveness. Regular PFT can monitor changes in lung function and adjust treatments as necessary.

Benefits of Pulmonary Function Test

PFT has several benefits. It helps in early detection of lung problems. Early diagnosis leads to better treatment outcomes. PFT provides essential information for managing and treating lung diseases. Regular tests ensure you maintain good lung function over time.

Risks of PFT

PFT is mostly safe. Some people might feel dizzy or lightheaded afterward. These symptoms are usually brief and temporary. There are minimal risks involved, and the benefits of early detection outweigh these minor issues.


PFT is essential for checking and managing lung health. It helps find issues early and guides treatment. Regular PFTs are important for keeping your lungs healthy. If you have lung concerns, talk to your doctor about Pulmonary Function Test. Staying informed and proactive helps protect your lung health and improves your overall well-being. Go for routine health checkup and stay fit and healthy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Importance of Sonography in Prenatal Care

 From the diagnosis of internal diseases to popularly being used for monitoring the fetus during pregnancy, sonographies are one of the greatest inventions in medical sciences and technology. The Best Women's Health Check-Up Packages may often include a USG scan to check womb health and determine and prevent any threat to the mother or the child during pregnancy.

A USG scan is entirely painless, because it neither requires poking on the skin with sharp objects such as needles or the threats of radiation. Instead, a secure and well-coordinated soundwave is used in the USG device to obtain images of the patientÅ› insides. There are different types of sonography tests used for different purposes and the Best Diagnostic Lab has a clear understanding of what courses to take.

Sonography For Prenatal Care

The ultrasound procedure is highly effective during the prenatal stage allowing accurate visual insight into the womb. From the early stages of the pregnancy, the USG procedure is used for discerning the health of the baby or any complications faced by the mother during this time. Prenatal Ultrasonography is to be conducted from the Best Diagnostic Centre.

A prenatal ultrasound is performed on the mother in different ways to assess the growth of the baby or track any health complications during the pregnancy. The most common type of ultrasound is the Transabdominal Ultrasound which is performed by a professional covering outer skin over the abdominal area of the patient. 

The Best Diagnostic Centre must have the proper technology and equipment to perform a Transvaginal Ultrasound. This procedure is specifically applied for getting clearer pictures of the fetus in the early days of pregnancy. Under this procedure, the vaginal canal of the patient is infiltrated with a transducer to acquire a clear image of the fetus.

Importance Of Ultrasound In Prenatal Care & How To Prepare For It?

Usually, a pregnant woman has to appear for 2-3 ultrasound sessions at the Best Diagnostic Centre, during the 9 months of pregnancy to monitor the health and growth of the baby and ensure fine delivery. The ultrasound scan reference is prescribed by a doctor, once the patient reveals about their pregnancy.

       Ultrasounds are performed on pregnant women most commonly to observe the fetus.

       The scan also provides greater insight into specific medical conditions affecting the pregnancy.

       An Ultrasound from the Best Diagnostic Centre later in the pregnancy can show the prominent growth, movement, heart rate, and bodily features of the baby going as far as revealing a due date. 

       The scan can also be instrumental in the early detection of physical problems with the baby.

As mentioned earlier, Ultrasound is normally harmless and painless but there are other things the patient has to know and follow, for the procedure to produce effective results. There is not much to prepare for an Ultrasound scan at the Best Diagnostic Lab. However, the only thing the patient will be asked to do is drink plenty of water to have ample fluid in their bladder enabling a better view of the insides. If there are other instructions to be followed before the test, your healthcare provider will inform you of the same.


Prenatal care is a vital part of giving birth to a healthy baby and USGs performed at the Best Diagnostic Centre is the first step to ensuring that. Ultrasonography is the most efficient diagnostic tool when it comes to confirming pregnancy and gathering further info leading up to the month of delivery. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Digital Pathology: Transforming the Way Tissues are Analyzed in India

The domain of pathology in India was historically reliant on microscopes and glass slides. But now it is undergoing a groundbreaking transformation with the emergence of digital pathology. This innovative technology during routine blood tests involves creating high-resolution digital images of tissue samples, allowing pathologists to analyze them on computer screens. This shift promises to revolutionize healthcare delivery across the vast and diverse nation.

Revolutionizing Workflow and Accessibility at Top Pathology Labs in Mumbai

Digital pathology streamlines the diagnostic process by eliminating the cumbersome management of physical slides. Traditional glass slides during routine blood tests require dedicated storage space, risk damage during transportation, and limit accessibility. Digital slides, on the other hand, are effortlessly stored electronically, retrieved instantly from any location, and securely shared with colleagues across the country. This builds collaboration between pathologists, particularly in remote areas where specialist expertise might be scarce. Furthermore, multiple pathologists can examine digital slides simultaneously, facilitating faster and more efficient diagnosis, especially in critical cases.

Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy and Consistency During Manipal Health Checkup

Digital pathology offers a significant leap forward in diagnostic accuracy. High-resolution digital images allow for zooming in on minute details that might be invisible through a traditional microscope. This enhanced visualization makes clinical pathology more accurate, potentially leading to better patient outcomes. Digital tools like image analysis software act as valuable assistants, identifying subtle patterns and measuring specific features within the tissue. This can lead to greater consistency in diagnoses, reducing the risk of human error – a critical factor in ensuring patient safety.

Empowering Training and Research

Digital pathology paves the way for significant advancements in pathologist training and research. The creation of digital slide libraries allows for the development of standardized teaching materials, ensuring future generations of pathologists have access to a wider range of cases for learning. These libraries can encompass a diverse array of diseases, providing a more comprehensive learning experience. Additionally, digital slides can be easily anonymized, facilitating research collaborations without compromising patient privacy. This can accelerate breakthroughs in disease diagnosis and treatment.

Ultimately the Manipal TRUtest Package can lead to better patient care.

The Roadblocks: Challenges and Considerations

While digital pathology offers immense potential, there are challenges to be addressed. The initial investment in high-quality scanners and secure storage infrastructure can be substantial. Additionally, integrating digital pathology workflows into existing laboratory systems requires careful planning and comprehensive training for staff to ensure a smooth transition. Furthermore, ensuring data security and protecting patient privacy during Clinical Pathology is paramount in this digital environment. Robust cybersecurity measures and adherence to data privacy regulations are essential to build trust and encourage widespread adoption.

The Future of Digital Pathology in India

Despite the challenges, India is well-positioned to leverage the immense potential of digital pathology. The government's initiatives to promote digital healthcare infrastructure create a supportive environment for this technology. As costs decrease and awareness increases among healthcare professionals and institutions, digital pathology is poised to become an indispensable part of pathology practice in India.

Manipal TRUtest Revolutionizes Patient Care

Digital pathology represents a paradigm shift in tissue analysis, offering a multitude of benefits for the Indian healthcare system. It promises to improve diagnostic efficiency and accuracy, enhance collaboration among pathologists, and accelerate advancements in medical research. India can revolutionize patient care, improve public health outcomes, and contribute significantly to the global fight against disease. This innovative approach has the potential to transform healthcare delivery in India, ensuring better outcomes for millions of patients. Manipal TRUtest is on its way forward to adapt with the latest advancements in clinical pathology.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Importance of Regular Blood Tests for Maintaining Health

Our bodies are complex machines. Blood acts as the internal delivery system. It carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout. Regular blood tests is a method of regularly evaluating your health. It can reveal problems before they cause major issues. 

RoutineBlood Tests: A Checkup from the Inside Out

A routine blood test, often called a complete blood count (CBC) and comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), is like basic service for your body. This test uses different areas of clinical pathology:

  • Hematology: This focuses on your red and white blood cells, as well as platelets, which are involved in clotting. Hematology results can indicate anemia, infections, or bleeding problems.
  • Biochemistry: This analyzes chemicals like cholesterol, glucose (sugar), and electrolytes. These levels can reflect your risk for heart disease, diabetes, and kidney issues.
  • Immunology: This assesses your immune system's response to infections and allergies. Immunology tests can identify conditions like autoimmune diseases or allergies.

Specialized Blood Tests For Specific Concerns

Sometimes, a doctor may recommend a more specialized blood test. These dive deeper into specific areas using advanced techniques:

  • Microbiology: This identifies the presence of bacteria, viruses, or parasites causing infections. Microbiology tests can be crucial for diagnosing infections like Lyme disease or hepatitis.
  • Serology: This looks for antibodies, proteins your body produces in response to past infections or vaccinations. Serology tests can help determine if you've been exposed to certain diseases like measles or rubella.
  • Cytogenetics: This examines chromosomes for abnormalities that might indicate genetic conditions like Down syndrome or cystic fibrosis.
  • Flow Cytometry: This analyzes individual cells for abnormalities, which can be helpful in diagnosing cancers or blood disorders.
  • Histopathology: This examines tissue samples under a microscope to diagnose diseases like cancer. While not technically a blood test, it provides vital information for overall health.
  • Immunofluorescence: This uses fluorescent dyes to identify specific proteins in tissue samples, aiding in diagnosing autoimmune diseases or infections.
  • Immunohistochemistry: This technique uses antibodies to detect specific proteins in tissue samples, helping diagnose cancers or other diseases.
  • Molecular Pathology: This analyzes genes and chromosomes at a molecular level for genetic disorders or mutations that may increase cancer risk.

Early Detection For Staying Healthy

Many diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney disease, often progress silently without noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Regular blood tests can catch these early, allowing for:

  • Early Intervention: Early detection means treatment can begin sooner, often with better outcomes. For instance, early detection of high cholesterol allows for lifestyle changes or medications to prevent heart disease.
  • Preventative Measures: Knowing your risk factors allows you and your doctor to take steps to prevent future complications. This could involve lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, or medications. For example, if a blood test reveals prediabetes, dietary adjustments and increased physical activity can help prevent the development of full-blown diabetes.

Monitoring Chronic Conditions: Keeping You on Track

If you have a diagnosed condition like diabetes or high cholesterol, regular blood tests become even more crucial. They help your doctor:

  • Monitor Treatment Effectiveness: Blood tests track how well medications are working and ensure they are not causing side effects. For someone with diabetes, blood tests monitor blood sugar control, allowing adjustments to medication or insulin dosage as needed.
  • Adjust Treatment Plans: Based on test results, your doctor might adjust your medication dosage or treatment plan. For example, if blood tests show your thyroid medication isn't regulating your hormones effectively, your doctor can adjust the dosage.

Regular Blood Tests: A Collaborative Effort for Your Well-being

Talking to your doctor is key to understanding your blood test results. They can explain:

  • What the results mean: Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify any results you don't understand.
  • The next steps: Depending on the results, your doctor might recommend further tests, lifestyle changes, or medications. A collaborative approach between you and your doctor is essential for interpreting the results and taking appropriate action.

Taking Charge of Your Health: The Power of Regular Testing

Regularblood tests are a powerful tool for proactive health management. Here's how you can take charge:

  • Talk to your doctor: Discuss how often you should have blood tests based on your age, family history, and overall health. Your doctor can personalize a blood testing plan based on your individual needs.
  • Know your baseline: Having regular tests establishes a baseline for your normal values, making it easier to identify any changes. Tracking your blood test results over time helps you and your doctor spot trends that might indicate health issues.

Routine blood tests offer a glimpse into your body's inner workings, helping you maintain good health and catch potential issues early. By staying proactive and working closely with your doctor, you can ensure your body's "engine" runs smoothly for years to come.

Asthma: Managing Symptoms and Preventing Attacks

Good Health Packages must include tests for Asthma in the early years of life for all, as air pollution and the rise of debilitating lung c...